Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Synthesis Essay Question Essay Example
Blend Essay Question Essay Name: Educator: Course: Date: We will compose a custom article test on Synthesis Essay Question explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Synthesis Essay Question explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Synthesis Essay Question explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Amalgamation Essay Question The tales, â€Å"Identities†? what's more, â€Å"Mistaken Identity†?, are commonly comparable since they delineate the outcomes experienced by the diverse fundamental characters with respect to their mixed up personalities. The sonnet â€Å"Mistaken Identity†?, by Alden Nowlan shows two unique circumstances where two ladies botch the hero for an individual they knew and depict closeness for him whom the ladies see him to be is completely off-base. Then again, the short story, â€Å"Identities†?, by W.D Valgardson depicts the results met by the hero, a white collar class parent, with respect to the issue of wrong character. So as to set the state of mind for the two artistic works concerning the subject, different tones have been utilized to explain. Incongruity, depression and tension are the fundamental tones clear in the stories. To empower examination of the composed works, it is critical to evaluate the various varieties in tone in the narratives. The two compositions show an assortment of tones, which exhibits the outcomes of mixed up personality. One of the primary tones evident in the two stories is dejection. In â€Å"Mistaken Identity†?, isolation is apparent where a husky lady who possessed an aroma like brew moves toward the hero. The lady kisses him and the hero expresses that he is desolate and was nearly enticed to expect the character that the lady was suggesting. It is expressed, â€Å"and I was so lonesome†? (Nowlan, 15) indicating the protagonist†s forlornness. The hero affirms his sadness by hesitantly announcing to the main lady that he is erroneously recognized trusting that the lady will keep communicating her sentiments of closeness. This is confirm where he says, Abefore I talked, she had understood that and was driving me away? (Nowlan, 25-26). Occurrences of depression are additionally apparent in â€Å"Identities†?. In the story, the hero encounters sentiments of isolation. Thi s is indicated where the hero feels like briefly relinquishing the solaces of the suburb. He chooses to desolate investigate without having any goal as a main priority. This is demonstrated in two occurrences where the creator states, â€Å"wakes in him a longing to incidentally desert the twice-cut yards and hundred-year-old oaks†? (Valgardson, 1-2) and when he states, â€Å"He doesn't hustle for he has no goal? (Valgardson, 1-2) which avow the hero isolation. The two pieces use dejection so as to permit the peruser feel the state of mind of the heroes. Variety in tone that is likewise distinguished in the two stories is nervousness. In Mistaken Identity?, the hero responds distinctively to the lady warm welcome by evading her hurriedly through getting some distance from her as though she was presenting risk, which is confirmed when the hero states, â€Å"I immediately dismissed? (Nowlan, 39-41). The hero additionally communicates pressure where he chooses to recognize himself accurately to the primary lady who had likewise erroneously distinguished him as her darling, Walter. So as to maintain a strategic distance from the outcomes that could emerge from his mixed up personality, the hero chooses to tell the lady his genuine character. He states, â€Å"what I did was murmur something about there being a mistake†? (Nowlan, 20-23). Nervousness is additionally apparent in â€Å"Identities†?. The tone is portrayed by the hero uncovers pressure when he sees a gathering of dubious looking individuals. This is indicated whe re the creator states, â€Å"he trusts his day old whiskers which he strokes upward with the impact point of his hand†? (Valgardson, 8) which avows his anxiety of him being robbed. Uneasiness decides the choices the heroes settled on in their particular and various choices. Incongruity is likewise another tone that is distinguished in the two accounts. For example, in â€Å"Mistaken Identity†?, the hero states, â€Å"It’s great now and then to be confused with another person, in spite of the fact that it for the most part closes badly†? (Nowlan, 5). This demonstrates verbal incongruity in which the hero recognizes that being erroneously distinguished is disadvantageous and yet states that it is profitable to be perceived as someone else. In a similar story, incongruity is additionally observed where the hero appreciates the consideration of being erroneously recognized as Davie, however he chooses to dodge the consideration despite the fact that it is startling. He states, â€Å"Then, in light of the fact that I needed all her grinning at me, affectionately, I immediately turned away†(Nowlan, 35-40). Incongruity is likewise noted in â€Å"Identities†where the hero is slaughtered by the cop, rather than the gathering o f individuals that were outside the little store. An incongruity of circumstance happens towards the finish of the story when â€Å"He is so aim upon the three men and the young lady that he doesn't see the squad car float against the control, nor the official who is progressing with a gun in his hand†?(Valgardson, 10-11) and â€Å"Instinctively unwinding, sure of his wellbeing, in the last willful development of his life, he arrives at his hand not noticeable all around as he was requested to, yet toward his wallet for his identity†? (Valgardson, 10-11), the creator delineates the protagonist†unexpected passing. Incongruity assumes a significant job in portraying the results of mixed up character. The two stories perceptibly expense the topic of personality and its results. In â€Å"Mistaken Identity†, character assumes a job in the distinguishing proof of the hero. The story portrays the hero †status as mixed up. The main model is seen where the chunky lady erroneously distinguishes the hero as Walter. In the subsequent model, a young lady as Davie erroneously recognizes the hero. In â€Å"Identities†, the outcomes of personality are seen by the hero is viewed as a criminal because of his unshaved facial hair, differentiating clothing and the way that he was driving a Mercedes Benz. He winds up being shot by the cop who erroneously characterizes him as a vehicle hoodlum. To take into account the advancement of the topic, incongruity, depression and nervousness are utilized to epitomize the fundamental subject of the tales since the tones assume a job in setting up the jobs of character in the two stories. Works Cited Nowlan, Alden. â€Å"Mistaken Identity.†Selected Poems. Ed. Patrick Lane and Lorna Crozier. Harmony: House of Anansi Press, 1996. 72. Print Valgardson, W.D. â€Å"Identities.†What Can’t Be Changed Shouldn’t Be Mourned: Short Stories. Ed. W.D Valgardson. Vancouver: Douglas and McIntyre, 1995. 56. Print.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
How to Choose Chinese Culture Essay Topics
How to Choose Chinese Culture Essay TopicsWhat are the best Chinese culture essay topics to study and write about? The answer is pretty simple, really. The truth is that all essays will have topics that they need to cover, and there are usually guidelines for how to write them as well.Because the Chinese culture is so diverse, it makes sense to cover some of the important history points in each essay. For instance, you might discuss the development of a particular province or area of China, the early days of the Republic of China, the Cultural Revolution, and the Treaty of Friendship, which was signed by Mao Tse-Tung and Premier Zhou Enlai in the mid 1970s.Another thing to discuss in Chinese culture essays is the role of literature. This can include an examination of the novels and books written by authors from various regions in China, such as the writings of Qu Yuan and Chen Kaige. It can also be a way to discuss the differences between how Western and Eastern literature is publish ed.Also, there is a tendency to compare the writings of two individuals to their public opinion at the time. This is usually done through comparisons to traditional Chinese literature, but in the case of Western literature there is also the element of the era influencing the character of the work itself. Consider the difference between people who did not understand the concept of love in feudal China and people who understood it in the United States.Finally, some Chinese culture essays are written as personal anecdotes. One very interesting example of this is a conversation between a writer and his mother. Some have even written stories about the family.In order to write an essay on Chinese culture, you will need to find a book on the subject or a dictionary that you can reference for any specific term. Some students use Chinese texts to learn the language as a supplemental tool, although they tend to learn more when they actually write their own. You can find a book or dictionary a t your local library or bookstore, or you can even find a site that offers audio and video tutorials on Chinese culture.Before you begin writing your essay, make sure that you have a pen and paper handy, as well as some paper and a pencil. Make sure that you write something every day until you feel that you have covered all of the necessary topics. You will find that you have a better grasp of the language after a while, so don't be too stressed out by this!There are many types of Chinese culture essay topics. You can cover things such as the early Western influences on Chinese philosophy, the relationship between China and the rest of the world, and the development of China's education system. As long as you have the right resources to refer to, you should be able to tackle just about any topic.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Macbeth Darkness Essays - Characters In Macbeth,
Macbeth Darkness In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, haziness and night assume a significant job. Numerous passings and other significant occasions happen during this time. Macbeth is overpowered by force and feels he is relentless. There is something in particular about the nonattendance of light that makes individuals act extraordinary. Macbeth fell into this classification and sees he is not a similar man he for the most part is during the day. Macbeth is at his best and his more awful during this timeframe. Reliant on murkiness, guiltfull scatter and encompassing impacts. The life of Macbeth and his significant other spun around dimness. Macbeth relies vigorously upon haziness. The vast majority of his activities happen during the night. Macbeth utilizes this opportunity to cover his underhanded activities and aims. He and Lady Macbeth plot and plan their detestable deeds around evening time so paradise can not see their doings. The murkiness it self likewise helps their arranging. Come thick night/And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of heck,/That my sharp blade see not the injury it makes,/Nor paradise peep through the cover of dull. (1.5 48-51) The main way Lady Macbeth sees she can finish her deeds is with the help of damnation and murkiness. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth fell that if there were no dimness their arrangements could never emerge. Blame is a felling of regret when you have accomplished something incorrectly and can not get it off your psyche. It will frequent you until something is done about it, blame might be the most exceedingly terrible felling that can be felt by an individual. Turmoil is felt when you don't comprehend your environmental factors, the most widely recognized things will appear to be befuddling. There are numerous instances of blame and clutter in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth. Macbeth and his better half can't rest around evening time due to their felling of blame. Macbeth says 'I have killed rest' which means he has slaughtered the lord during his rest and he will rest no longer. We discover Lady Macbeth slaughters her self since her overpowered felling of blame. This awful demise likewise happens on account of her disarranged conduct of rest strolling. Macbeth feels there ought to be a demolition of every ethical law that keep him from doing detestable. His blame forms inside him which has him to proceed with his off-base doings. Come seeling night/Scaf up the delicate eye of desolate day,/And with thy wicked and imperceptible hand/Cancel and tear the incredible bond/Which keeps me pale (3.2 46-52) Macbeth starts to accept he can conceal his homicides from sunlight. Macbeth is in so much issue that he is unfit to perceive Banquo's apparition. He can't understand that his deceptions truly are an impression of blame. Macbeth assumes a significant job on the impact of his environmental factors. Each new morn/New windows yell, new vagrants cry, new distresses/Strike paradise on the face, that it resonates/As in the event that it felt with Scotland (4.3 4-7) Macduff's remark mirrors the general felling of distress and regret in Scotland. Macbeth has such an extraordinary effect, that if the tumult isn't caused by and by others would follow his model. It is obscure to Macbeth how extraordinary of an effect he has on his kin. During the night Macbeth unleashes devastation and when morning emerged Scotland grieves lost a lord. Macbeth's activities are unnatural and severe like a wild creature. Tis unnatural/On Tuesday last/A bird of prey transcending in her pride of spot/Was by a mousing owl sold at and slaughtered. (2.4 11-14) Macbeth, unfit to rest designs his abhorrence goals. Macbeth depends and relies upon obscurity. As the play advances Macbeth started to consider night to be a companion or guide. The greater part of his activities are arranged during this time, some of the time with the assistance of Lady Macbeth. The blame he exposes is so much that he and Lady Macbeth can't rest. He causes a significant miracle in Scotland yet in addition numerous individuals neglected in his strides. His plan to be best snowballed into a slaughter, which prompted his murdering. Shakespeare makes a dim mess around murder and wickedness. He shows what a man devoured by dimness can do to a whole realm and himself.
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Admission Essay on Best Advice I Have Ever Received
Always Be Yourself! When I was fourteen, my family moved house. Although the new home was much bigger, more convenient and my own room was twice the size of the old one, I was extremely unhappy. All my friends appeared to be miles away from me and the atmosphere in my new school seemed quite hostile. Studying well was not a good way to become popular among your class mates, but it guaranteed the nickname of a brown-nose one hundred percent. For me, it was like my worst nightmare coming true. I felt lonely, I could not make any friends, and gradually I decided to stop studying so well in order just to make a couple of friends, with whom I could share at least some of my emotions. Soon, I started doing less homework, skipping classes and wearing outfits approved by my classmates. The first person to notice the changes in my family was my Grandpa. I could see he was deeply upset and finally he decided to talk to me. We discussed the matter and he gave me the best advice I have ever got in my life. â€Å"Always be yourself†, he said. â€Å"If you try to adapt to the circumstances in this way, you lose your identity.†â€Å"Who needs the identity, if I am so lonely?†I thought. I was considering his words again and again, and, finally, I followed his advice. I got down to work, got excellent academic results and changed school in a year. Then I found myself a good company of students who shared my interests and soon I met my best friend. So, my Grandpa turned out to be right and since that time I have never sacrificed my principles in order to be liked.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Understanding The Current Health Of The Organization
For any organization to properly understand the current health of that organization one of the best ways to gain this understanding is by completing a ratio analysis of the company. This level of understanding helps providing a solid understanding of the financial health of the organization and the long-term trajectory of the organization as a whole. This remains true with Genesis Energy, which as a newly established operations management team may need all of the assistance that the organization can get. Additionally, it is important to understand how an organization preforms compared to the completion. According to the Wall Street Journal (2014): â€Å"Available Cash before Reserves, also referred to as distributable cash flow, is commonly†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Each of these analysis techniques offers very specific uses but in general allows analysts to evaluate company performance over time, taking into account relative size, across industries†(Argosy University, 2014, para. 1). Being able to have a better understanding of the organization’s performance over a certain period of time is extremely beneficial. Primary way of doing this is calculating financial ratios in order to understand the overall health of the company. â€Å"Financial ratios are derived from the balance sheets and income statements and are generally divided into five major categories: profitability, liquidity, debt, asset activity, and market size. Each serves as an independent calculation, but jointly, they present a financial picture of the organization†(Argosy University, 2014, para. 1). Completing a trend analys is will give a better picture of the organizations health over the last three years and will give the organization the understanding needed to make any necessary changes. The trend analysis for the Genesis Energy company spans a three year timespan from 2011 to 2013. As part of this analysis it reviewed the following areas: Liquidity, Inventory Turnover, Debt Ratio, Basic Earnings Power, and Price per Cash Flow. To start off it is important to understand that the liquidity of a company is the company’s ability to convert their assets to cash. Over the lastShow MoreRelatedFinancial Analysis Of Healthcare Organizations1573 Words  | 7 Pagesfinancial report for Sharp HealthCare, Scripps Health, Tri-City HealthCare, and Palomar Health will be briefly discussed individually on each important financial outcome’s Such as: assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses, hospital debt, and investments. To analyze further, a break down between the hospitals assets, liabilities, and revenue will be compared in the paper. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Body Shop Marketing Essay - 2699 Words
1) Anita Roddick created the body shop in 1976 with the objective of opening an environmentally conscious cosmetic store. Today, the Body Shop (BS) has grown from being a single â€Å"hippie†store in England to a multinational company with over 2265 stores in 50 countries enjoying sales of  £820,000 in 2006/2007 period. (mintel 2006) People say that â€Å"one person cannot make a difference†but Anita Roddick proved it wrong by sticking to here ideals and ideas of doing business. This extract from the Body Shop’s mission statement ‘to dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change’ (, shows us how she created a new way of dealing with customer needs and wants. She saw it as a better option to put†¦show more content†¦But critiques say that the â€Å"Trade not Aid†projects are simply a marketing tool and that not even 1% of the sales go to the projects. ( Promotion The BS way of advertising has mostly been done through indirect advertising. Indeed, by associating themselves to Greenpeace or the save the whales project or by doing fare trade with indigenous communities for example, journals, newspapers and magazines have written about the company’s products, campaigns and beliefs without the company actually carrying out or spending any money into promotion campaigns. The BS believes that beauty is reality and strongly disagrees on the advertising campaigns trying to glamorise their products – ‘We re saying our products will moisturize, cleanse and polish; they will not perform miracles.’ (Mrs Galanti, 1997). This was stated in 1997 after the release of a rare mainstream campaign called â€Å"Love your body†due to increased competition in the marketplace. The Body Shop also makes extensive use of its web site, delivery lorries and shop windows to communicate its campaigns and beliefs. Packaging is also a way of promoting a product. By showing consumers that the BS is involved in recycling plastic bottles used in the packaging of a product for example, it positions itself furthermore in the customers mind as being an environmentally caring organisation. It also tried to push consumers to use refills but the impact of this campaign was minimal.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Marketing Analysis on Body Shop4410 Words  | 18 PagesThe Body Shop International plc is a global manufacturer and retailer of naturally inspired, ethically produced cosmetics products. Founded in the UK in 1976 by Dame Anita Roddick, The Body Shop now has over 2,400 stores in 61 countries, with a range of over 1,200 products. Body Shop has a strict no animal testing policy. In fact The Body Shop is the first international cosmetics brand to be recognized under the Humane Cosmetics Standard for our Against Animal Testing policy. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of the Kenyan Economy
Question: Discuss about the Analysis of the Kenyan Economy. Answer: Introduction Over the past years, the Kenyan economy has been experiencing constant growth. Today, the country has the largest economy in East Africa. By and large, this growth is attributed to the nations well-educated labor force and its access a vital port that serves as an export and import terminal for the East and Central African community. In addition, the nation has a vibrant tourism industry characterized by an abundance of wildlife and an attractive coastline. What is more, the Kenyan government is enthusiastic and committed to implementing reforms to encourage trade and economic growth. For this reason, the Kenyan economy is expected to continue experiencing economic growth in the future. Stage of Development Kenya is a developing economy. Particularly, this is because the nation is in its infancy and almost all its sectors are below the global average. At the moment, the country is characterized by poor legal systems, infrastructure, and poor political processes. In addition, it has a poor health sector and a struggling education sector. With respect to Rostows stages of the growth model, the country is between the preconditions for takeoff and take off stage. As of now, Kenya is moving towards the development of more productive commercial agriculture. As such, growers are continuously moving from subsistence farming to commercial production. Thus, the level of exports has increased substantially over the past years. In addition, the nation is experiencing an increased investment and changes to the physical environment to expand the level of production. Furthermore, there is an increase in the spread of technology within the country. Advances are also being made in the existing technologies to enhance the level of production in the country. Consequently, this has increased external and internal demand for raw materials for production purposes, thereby bringing about significant economic changes to the economy. Notably, the social structure is also changing, and individual social mobility has taken root. Urbanization has also increased, and industrialization has become a major component of the economy. Even so, the country is lagging behind in most of the crucial economic indicators. For this reason, the economy is characterized among the developing nations of the world. Historical Economic trends and Future Growth Forecasts Kenya has exhibited constant growth, and the economy stands among the fastest-growing economies in Africa. The economy is fairly diversified, with the biggest contributors to the GDP being agriculture sector (25 percent), transport and communication sector (11 percent) and the manufacturing industry (10 percent). The country is set to experience rapid urbanization in the near future (Kenya GDP, 2017). In 2014, a robust GDP growth of 5.3 percent was recorded. Mainly, this growth was linked to the expansion of the manufacturing, communications, and technology, construction sectors. Although growth levels slowed down in the first half of the preceding year, it picked up in the second half, thereby registering a growth of 5.5 percent by the end of 2015 (World Bank, 2016). In 2016, the GDP increased by approximately 0.10 percent. It is worth noting that the highest recorded value of GDP growth in the country was 3.8 percent recorded in 2010 (Kenya GDP. 2017). In contrast, the lowest level of growth was experienced in the first quarter of 2008 at negative 2.4 percent. Between 2005 and 2016, the average level of GDP is estimated as 1.29 percent (World Bank, 2016). Typically, Kenya is a net importer. Specifically, the value of the countrys imports significantly exceeds the value of the exports. By and large, this condition exists due to the nature of the imports and exports from the country. While the countrys chief exports are mainly products of low value such as horticulture and tea, the imports are of high value such as technology, machinery, and oil. The big differences in value force the nation to use its foreign currency reserves as well as accumulate a lot of debt. For this reason, the nation has a substantial trade deficit (Ajayi Khan, 2000). The levels of inflation in the country have been fluctuating since 2011. In that year, the level of consumer price inflation was relatively high at 14 percent. However, this estimate significantly dropped in the following year to around 9.4 percent (KNBS, 2016). In 2013, the inflation levels further dropped to 5.7 percent, but later increased to 6.9 percent in 2014. In the preceding year, the inflation rate dropped slightly to 6.6 percent. As of last year, the level of inflation in the country was estimated at 6.35 percent (KNBS, 2016). Unemployment is also a significant problem for the Kenyan government. Today, the levels of unemployment in the economy is significantly high. As of last year, 40 percent of the countrys population was reported to be jobless. This figure is dangerously high. Mainly, this condition is brought about by the relatively high population growth in the country. The population increased from approximately 39.5 million people in 2011 to 44.1 million in 2015. Reg ardless, the economy stands as one of the most attractive foreign direct investment destinations in the continent. Given that the economy is among the fastest-growing economies in the world, the economy boasts great prospects for success and development. Government Influence GDP growth It is worth noting that the Kenyan economy has been experiencing substantial increases in the level of GDP growth in the last few years. Last year, for instance, the level of growth rose by 0.1 percent (Kenya GDP, 2017). Given that the nation has potential to increase its level of productivity, the government has implemented measures to spearhead the economy towards an era of robust growth and development. The inauguration of the countrys vision 2030 has been a major incentive towards increasing its GDP growth. One of the pillars of the vision is the economic pillar which aims at increasing the average growth rate of GDP by 10 percent every year. To achieve this goal, the government must work towards increasing the level of employment in the country. In addition, the level of national productivity should be enhanced to allow for increases in household income, firms profits, and government revenues. The government may also use expansionary fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate the aggregate economy, thereby achieve greater GDP growth. Interest rates The Kenyan government has the power to regulate the level of interest rates in the country. Mainly, this is done through the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK). Basically, the CBK uses monetary policy instruments to control the level of interest rates in the economy. At the end of last year, the government imposed a legislation to cap interest rates in the country at only 4 percent above the CBKs benchmark rate (Aglionby, 2016). Typically, this legislation will lead to a reduction in the cost of lending as the bank lending rates and deposit rates will be significantly lower. In turn, this will encourage households and firms within the economy to borrow more. An increase in the supply of money in circulation will bring about an increase in aggregate activities within the Kenyan economy. Subsequently, this will lead to an increase in aggregate demand for goods and services. An increase in aggregate demand will translate to a substantial increase in the level of GDP growth. Value of the currency Sometimes, the government may influence the value of its currency against other foreign currencies. Mostly, this is done to encourage trade between the country and the rest of the world. In order to encourage the level of exports, the government may devalue its currency. This way, the countrys products will be relatively cheaper for other countries, thereby enhancing the demand for exports. However, devaluation of the currency would mean that imports into the country will be relatively expensive for Kenyan households and firms. In turn, the level of imports will decline. An increase in the level of exports and a decline in imports will result in an increase in the countrys net exports. Moreover, the level of debt will also drop. Foreign Debt The current levels of foreign debt in the country are alarmingly high (Kenya BOT, 2017). For this reason, the government of Kenya must take stringent measures to reduce the levels of foreign date and achieve a balance of payments (Anyanzwa, 2017). Mainly, this can be achieved through the implementation of structural changes in the economy. First, the government should cut down its expenditures. By instituting radical budget cuts, public debt will reduce significantly. In addition, the government may increase the tax charges. By so doing, it will be able to raise more revenue that may be utilized in offsetting debts. Environment and personal wellbeing of citizens Currently, the nation is ranked among the top nations with many individuals living below the poverty line (Karanja, 2015). In this regard, the government should implement programs that will increase employment opportunities for its people (Corral, 2009). By so doing, many individuals will be able to attain a decent living, thereby improving the standards of living in the country. It should also institute structural changes in the countrys health and education sector. This way, the country will be able to reduce mortality rates in the country. With regards to the environment, strict anti-pollution policies should be implemented to ensure that industries operate under environmentally-friendly conditions (UNESCO, n.d.). Tourism Development The tourism industry is of key importance to the Kenyan economy. For this reason, the government of Kenya should create a positive environment for the development of the tourism and hospitality industry. Economic Incentives The Kenyan government should implement policies that aim at extending facilitation measures in favor of private sector investments in the tourism and hotel industry. Such economic incentives could be in the form of tax rebates and grants to investors. At the moment, the government offers a 100 percent investment allowance to individuals and firms investing in the sector (Embassy of Kenya, 2013). In addition to this, it provides investors with Industrial building allowances to encourage the establishment of buildings and structures for the growth of the sector. On top of these incentives, the government may offer greater tax allowances to companies that promote eco-tourism, thereby encouraging investment in the region. The government may also offer grants and loans to local companies that may want to venture into the tourism industry in Kenya (Sanga, 2015). Infrastructure Development The development of the tourism sector is highly dependent on the availability of appropriate infrastructure. As such, proper infrastructure will serve the needs of the tourists and encourage major investments in the industry (Khadaroo Seetanah, 2007). In this regard, the Kenyan government should take a keen interest in developing and supporting the development of infrastructures such as restaurants, accommodation facilities, built-up attractions, and transport. Private investors will be enticed to invest in the sector if the nation possesses a good air transport network as well as suitable road transport facilities. Most importantly, the government must ensure that investors have ample access to basic services such as electricity, telecommunication, sewerage, water and health facilities. Education and Training Kenya suffers from a shortage of qualified workers in the tourism industry. Mainly, this is because the current provision of personnel from colleges and universities is inadequate to meet the industrys demand for the well-trained professional workforce (Mayaka Akama, 2007). Thus, the government should address this issue by instituting a curriculum that ensures that graduates and diplomats attain handson skills that match the requirements of the labor market. It should also develop a national tourism education strategy that will help satisfy human resource needs for the sector (Okech, 2009). Marketing Kenya should focus on marketing its diverse tourism products both locally and internationally. Therefore, the government should initiate programs such as lobbying for direct flights from the US and other major economies to Kenya. It may also seek direct landing rights for its national carrier, Kenya Airways in Asian countries that have the potential of bringing large numbers of tourist in the country. By so doing, the country will be reducing the travel costs for tourists thereby enticing them to travel to the country. The government may also advertise its tourism destination sites through brochures, television advertisements and broadcasts. In addition, social media platforms such as Instagram, twitter, blogs, and Facebook have a great potential of reaching out to tourists across the world (Mengo, 2014). This way, the country will entice individuals from all over the world to visit the country, thereby boosting tourism Local Impacts and Business Development Lamu Island, a small town in the coastal region of the country is a perfect location for developing a tourist hotel. The destination is situated off the countrys coastline, in the Indian Ocean. Today, the region boasts as one of the best destinations for tourists to relax even during times of security threats in the country. Besides, the town is in close proximity to the countrys main coastal attraction town, Mombasa. For this reason, setting up a luxury hotel in the region for local and foreign tourists will be highly profitable. Attracting local finance The investor may seek for finance locally by approaching with the local government with a proposal indicating the usefulness of the project in enhancing the level of employment opportunities in the community. This way, the local government in liaison with the central government may offer the investor a grant and other tax deductions and incentives that will significantly reduce the cost of starting up the project. The investor may also seek loans from local banks to invest in the hotel industry. Legislation and planning Investors must consider the regulations pertaining to the establishment and development of a hotel facility in the country. Thus, they must obtain all the relevant permits and licenses before commencing operations of the proposed business. In addition, they should consider all the possible restrictions imposed by the government with regards to the types of structures to develop. Most importantly, the investor must plan for the payment of all the applicable taxes and land rates associated with such developments in the region. Staffing, Skills of local residents Lamu town and its environs are endowed with a large population of local residents who can provide both skilled and semi-skilled labor for the hotel. Thus, the investor will not struggle to find the right personnel to work in the establishment. Besides, the management may dedicate itself to offering training to its potential employees before employing them in their workforce. Employing local residents will significantly improve the welfare of the people in the region. Economic flow effects The establishment of the hotel in the Lamu region will increase the level economic activities in the region both directly and indirectly. First, the clients to the hotel will also visit the many tourist attraction sites within the island and its surroundings, thereby promoting tourism. In addition, it will promote the fishing industry in the region since most tourists prefer to eat seafood. The curio industry will also be promoted as tourist tend to buy souvenirs. What is more, the hotel will offer many employment opportunities for the local people, thereby enhancing their quality of life (Kuto Graves, 2004). Conclusion Although Kenya is a developing economy, it is one of the best investment destinations in Africa. The countrys tourism and hospitality industry provide great prospects for profitability and prosperity. The government plays an active role in establishing a suitable environment for local and foreign investors. Occasionally, it regulates and controls the level of interest rate to enhance economic growth and stability. It also provides numerous incentives for investors in the tourism industry. Therefore, investing in the country may lead to great benefits for both the investor and the local community. References Aglionby, J. (2016). Kenya to cap interest rates on bank loans. Financial Times. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Ajayi, I., Khan, MS. (2016). External Debt and Capital Flight in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Anyanzwa, J. (2016). Kenya: IMF, World Bank Cautious About Kenya's Economic Growth. All Africa. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Corral, M. (2009). To What Extent Should Government Ensure Citizen Well-Being? (1st ed., pp. 1-5). Vanderbilt University. Retrieved from Investment Incentives. Embassy of the Republic of Kenya. Retrieved 20 January 2017, from Karanja, S. (2015). Kenya ranked sixth on extreme poverty index. Daily Nation. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Kenya (2016). The Economist. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Kenya (2016). World Bank. Retrieved 20 January 2017, from Kenya Balance of Trade (2017). Trading Economics. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Kenya GDP Annual Growth Rate (2017). Trading Economics. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Kenya GDP Growth Rate (2017). Trading Economics. Retrieved 21 January 2017, from Kenya Overview (2016). World Bank. Retrieved 20 January 2017, from Kenya: Economic Growth and Trade. 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Ecotourism and economic incentives- an empirical approach. Ecological Economics, 32(3), 471-475.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
The gods and goddesses that the Greek people belie Essay Example For Students
The gods and goddesses that the Greek people belie Essay ve in make up the Greek mythology studied today. These divine characters represent a family living on Mount Olympus who intervene frequently in the lives of the human characters in Greek plays. They are omnipresent, for they are always observing mans actions and working through human nature. The gods are a higher power, and provide explanations for otherwise unexplainable events. The gods help humans in trouble and give them guidance about the future. The Olympians influence men on earth both psychologically and physically. In Homers epic poem, The Iliad, the intervention of such divine powers as Athena, Apollo, and Zeus play significant roles in the lives of the characters and the events of the Greek-Trojan War. We will write a custom essay on The gods and goddesses that the Greek people belie specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Athena plays a very influential role in the Greek-Trojan War. She is the most constant divine supporter of the Greeks and divine enemy of the Trojans. Athenas function is to be a goddess of pro-Greek warfare. She came to the aid of the Greeks many times throughout the war. For instance, Athena came down from the sky to stop Achilleus from attacking Agamemnon (Willcock). Andre Michalopoulous confirms this action by quoting what Athena says to Achilles :I came from heaven to stay thine anger, if perchance though wilthearken to me, being sent forth of the white-armed goddess Hera, thatloveth you twain alike and careth for you. Go to now, cense from strife,and let not thine hand draw the sword.(65) Achilles listens to Athenas request, and therefore he returns his sword to its sheath, and withdraws from battle. Athena also assists Achilles in his battle with Hektor. Malcolm Willcock quotes, After deceiving Hektor into fighting Achilles,she comes to his aid by returning his sword to him ( 244). This intervention is the greatest assist of a divine power to a human being in The Iliad. Athena also plays an influential role in the battles of Diomedes. Martin Mueller reveals, Athena is closest to Diomedes.She is with him at the beginning and end of his aristeia and she addresses him without disguise (136). Athena also urges Diomedes to fight Aphrodite. With this command, she removes the cloud from his eyes which made him able to see the gods. Furthermore, as Robert Graves states, She put fresh strength into his legs and arms, which allowed him to sustain in battle with Aphrodite (104). Athena instructs Diomedes not to attack any other gods; but, Diomedes does not take her advice, and fights against Apollo and other gods, which causes Diomedes to retreat until he is saved by being reunited with Athena. This powerful goddess assistsd Diomedes greatly as she does the other characters in The Iliad. Another Greek warrior who is helped by Athena was Pandaros. Athena encourage s him to break the truce with Menelaos , but, as Willcock states, This does not lessen his own responsibility for his treachery He is a fool to be persuaded (46). Then, she switches to Menelaos side, to prevent any serious harm from the arrow that was shot. Athena protects these warriors as she protects the other Greeks. She usually protects the characters who were natural winners. Athena supports those who have the potential to be successful and therefore she assists many of the Greek heroes (Willcock). In Addition to Athena, Apollo also plays an influental role in the Greek-Trojan War. Apollo is the most important divine supporter of the Trojans. Willcock tells us, He is the archer god who strikes from afar, the god of disease and healing (4). Apollos first intervention occurs after Agamemnon had taken Apollos priest daughter as a war prize. Apollo sends a nine day pestilence upon the Greeks. Pack animals were his first target, and dogs, / but soldiers, too, soon felt transfixing pain from his hard shots and pyres burned night and day (Iliad I. 23-24). Apollo also intervenes in the Greek-Trojan War to assist the human characters. One of the warriors Apollo assists is Pandaros. In fact, Apollo is the one who gave Pandaros his bow after he broke the truce with Menelaos by shooting an arrow at him. But, this passage does not truly refer to the actual action of Apollo handing Pandaros his bow, but rather that, as Seth Schein believes, Pandaros was a specifically good archer (57). Beca use he is a good archer, it is believed that Pandaros is blessed by the god of archery. .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 , .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .postImageUrl , .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 , .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:hover , .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:visited , .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:active { border:0!important; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:active , .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11 .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3282ead5c32c4c4d0f23f3c9bbaa2a11:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: About Medical Marijuana Essay Agenor, Hektors half brother, is another Trojan warrior that Apollo aids. Agenor is debating on whether or not to run into the city of Troy to save the Trojan people, because if he does he probably will be caught and killed by Achilles. Finally, he decides to run into the city and stand and face Achilles. He hit Achilles with a spear cast, and Achilles begins to fight back. But, before Achilles could do anything, Apollo intervenes by taking the form of Agenor, and removing him from the battle. Then, runs away to lure Achilles apart from the rest of the Trojans. Mark Edwards believes Because of Apollos intervention, both Agenor and the Trojans are saved from Achilles wrath (290). An additional god that intervenes in the Greek-Trojan War is Zeus. Zeus is not only the most powerful god in The Iliad, but he also plays the most influential role of any of the other gods. As Willcock states, Zeus is the supreme god without whose will nothing important happens in the world below (14). This will, or plan, of Zeus is central to the plot of The Iliad and plays a decisive role in the main events of the play. Perhaps the reason Zeus is such an influential god is because he intervenes in both the affairs of the Greeks and the Trojans. He is a neutral god, who is a tandom dispenser of good and evil throughout the play (Mueller 147). Zeus neutrality is expressed by Willcock , as he states Zeus, king of the gods, is impartial but knows that Troy is in doom (283). Zeus remains neutral throughout the play by coming to the aid of both the Greeks and the Trojans whenever he deems it necessary. Zeus assists the Greeks during the war in many w ays. One of the ways in which he comes to the aid of the Greeks is by sending an omen. Agamemnon prays to Zeus that his army might not perish. In response to his prayer, Zeus sends an eagle as a sign that he had granted his wish. This prayer is demonstrated as John Scott says :Just at the moment when the Trojans seemed on the point of victory an eagle appeared on the left with a live snake in its talons. The snake kept striking at the neck and breast of its captor until the eagle was forced to drop it and fly away, while the snake fell and squirmed within the ranks of the Trojans.(215)Because of this affirmation, the Greeks rejoice and rally. The Trojans decide that this is the a sign from Zeus to end the battle, even though it seemed it was going to be a success for the Trojans. In addition to Agamemnons prayer, Zeus receives a prayer from Thetis. Thetis, the mother of Achilles prays to Zeus :Father Zeus, if ever before in word or action I did you favor among immortals, now grant w hat I ask for. Now give honor to my son short lived beyond all other mortals. So long put strength in the Trojans, until the Achaians give my son his rights and his honor is increased among them. (Iliad 256-64)Zeus decides to grant Thetis wish and help the Trojan army. This action is an answer to Thetis prayer because she wanted the Trojans to start winning battles to bet back at the Acheans and Agamemnon for dishonoring Achilles by taking his war prize. Therefore, Thetis is granted the wish that she wanted through the mighty power of Zeus. Answering the prayers of the Greeks such as Achilles and Thetis is just one of the ways in which Zeus helps the Greeks. Although Zeus is essentially a neutral god sometimes he shows favortism to one side or the other. In many instances, he aides and intervenes in the Greek-Trojan war in favor of the Greeks. .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 , .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .postImageUrl , .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 , .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:hover , .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:visited , .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:active { border:0!important; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:active , .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43 .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0926a91f38ddfcc604932077302d9a43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Attachment Parenting EssayNot only did Zeus assist the Greeks in the Greek-Trojan War, but he also aides the Trojans. For instance, Zeus is tempted by Hera before the battle that destroys the city of Troy. In return for this destruction, Hera would give Zeus the cities that she loved the most Argos, Sparta, and Mycena. Edwards confirms this temptation as he states :Before the battle really begins there is a prelude in which Zeus speaksof his love for Troy and Hera offers to sacrifice her own favorite cities in return for Troys destruction; the traditional reasons for her hatred the judgement of Paris and Zues love for the Trojan boy Ganymede are left unmentioned, perhap s to make her anger more irrational. (128) Zeus decision to avoid destructing the city of Troy immensly aggrivates Hera. His decision also shows that he was protecting the city of Troy, thus helping the Trojans in the Greek-Trojan War. Zeus assists the Trojans in another instance by directly intervening in a battle. Mueller says, After a general account of indecisive fighting, the turning point in the second days battle comes when Zeus intervened on the side of the Trojans (103). Zeus aids the Trojans by sending down a lightening bolt to make Diomedes, the Greek warrior, retreat. Because of Diomedes retreat, Hektor is able to push the Acheans back on their ships that are now threatened with fire. Zeus gives the Trojans another victory later in the war when the Greeks and the Trojans begin fighting over Patroklos body, a battle arises between the two enemies. At this time, Zeus intervenes in the battle and once again comes to the Trojans aid. Mueller states, At length Zeus gives victory to the Trojans, and in a passage richly studded with similies the poet describes the retreat of the Acheans, with Meriones and Menelaos carrying the body while the two Aiantes provide cover (107). Zeus plays an important part in the victories of the Trojans. He inspires terror into the Greeks (Willcock 98) and enables the Trojans to overcome the Greeks many times throughout the Greek-Trojan War. The Greek-Trojan War in The Iliad is not only a War between human characters, but it is also a battle between divine characters. While the Olympians immortality separates them from man and leaves them free from death and suffering, there power brings them closer to humans because it is constantly being used to either aid or hamper mans progress. These gods are central to the poem because they are actually responsible for the wars beginnings, and every event that occurs has been affected by a god in some way. The gods have the power to control the outcome of the events on earth because man can be persuaded so easily. Therefore, the divine intervention in the war is frequent and significant to the wars outcome. The power of the gods such as Athena, Apollo and Zeus is crucial to the events in The Iliad, for the Greek-Trojan War is a battle between not only the heroic human warriors, but also the mighty dine gods.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Gender dysphoria in children Essays
Gender dysphoria in children Essays Gender dysphoria in children Paper Gender dysphoria in children Paper He even insisting to urinate in a sitting position as the manner of a girl does. His parents try to understand the condition of their son. But then, when he began schooling Rona hardly refused to go to school for the reason that he dont want to wear the appropriate uniform assigned for boys. He also wants to use the Female Comfort room which is prohibited. He feels that attending to school restrict him from everything he wants. Resulting Rona repeated tantrums in class. Causing recurrent suspended over 30 times for behaving badly at school for throwing chairs and lashing out at his teachers. Ronas mom ask him what does it take to make him change, Rona replied he wants a girl stuffs in his room and he wanted to be a girl and wear girls clothes. Some nights Rona H. Cries and screams out of distress. His mother caught him one night with a knife in his hand, planning to cut off his genitals. He says that it doesnt belong there and he doesnt want it there. Fortunately, this attempt Just leaves a scratched on his pens. Even though Ronas parents are now separated, they decided to support the Psychological needs of their son. They already allowed Rona to dress girls clothing at home. Mrs.. : H. Already oiled out Ronas room Feminine stuffs he likes and even designed his room into Princess inspired. But what Rona really wishes is to be called with a girls name, enable him to feel Just like a real girl. Right now, he uses the name Emma which he chooses, instead of his real name Rona. CASE ANALYSIS As according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder fifth edition (ADSM) all of the proposed signs of Gender Dysphasia in Children show in Rona H. Conditions. Rona exhibit strong belief that he was born with the wrong sex genitals and he fundamentally persons of the opposite sex. Individuals with gender dysphasia eke Rona H. Have a marked incongruence between the gender they have been assigned to and their experienced or expressed gender. Experienced gender may include alternative gender identities beyond binary stereotypes. As what presented in his background, Rona was distress out of this incongruence. School refusal, Development of depression, Anxiety, and Intense Crying when parents tell that he is not really a member of the other gender he desires are signs of distress in Ronas Condition. Indication of having the disorder shows strongly preferred engaging cross dressing and simulating female or woman attire. Desiring for toys, games and activities stereotypically used or engaged by the other gender. Another is Persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in play and in fantasies and also, a strong dislike of ones sexual anatomy. All of these are shown in Ronas Condition, thus, he meet the Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Dystrophy Children.. There are various disciplines offer perspectives on the understanding of Gender Dysphasia. Some are Biological theories offers many hereditary, hormonal, and anatomical cause, which merely act as precursors to the numerous environmental stresses to come. On the other hand, most of the contributing explanation are psychological theories identify parental influence, primary needs, and personal cognition as main factors. Based on Sigmund Freud psychosocial theory, he believed that childs gender role is determined during the phallic stage, wherein the focus of its libido was believed moves to the genitals and the development child diverges. Here, Boys enter the Oedipus complex in which the child realize that their father stands in the way of the satisfaction of their desire and this frustration of the ids desires results in aggressive feelings, which are directed towards the father. At the same time, the boy realizes that his father is more powerful than he is and starts to fear that if the father finds out about the boys desire for his mother he will castrate him (castration anxiety). In this phase, the child sexual desire for their mother leads them to acquire some feminine disposition on his mother. Gender Dystrophy child probably had a failure to separate himself with his mother in early boyhood, instead of identifying his father. Social learning theory regards gender identity and role as a set of behaviors that are learned from the environment. Gender identity develops as he result of imprinting and conditioning processes. The main way that gender behaviors are learned is through the process of observational learning and at the core of observational learning is modeling. Learning through modeling involves adding and subtracting from the observed behavior and generalizing from one observation to another. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways, some of which relate to gender. They pay attention to some of these people (models) and encode their behavior. At a later time they may imitate the behavior they have observed. They may do this regardless of whether the behavior is gender appropriate or not but there are a number of processes that make it more likely that a child will reproduce the behavior that its society deems appropriate for its sex. However, Parents respond, verbally and nonverbally, to childs emerging sexuality has an impact on sexual attitudes and feelings that child develops with the father, the boy identifies with the mother. Another theory that might explain Gender Dysphasia is the theory of Cognitive Development Theory of Goldberg. His theory proposes that a child understands gender moves forward in stages. At each successive stage, the child thinks in characteristic ways about gender. As the child moves through the stages its understanding of gender becomes more complex. The first stage is gender identity, which is usually reached by the age of 2 years. At this stage the child is able to correctly label its own sex and this may serves as the core motivation for future gender-related behaviors. So, a child recognizing the fact that he is a boy leads him to seek and perform activities his society defines as boy like. The second stage is gender stability, which is usually reached by the age of 4 years. At this stage the child realizes that gender remains the same across time. However, its understanding of gender is heavily influenced by external features like hair and clothing. A boy at this stage might say that if he put a dress on he would be a girl. It is not until the third stage, gender constancy, where the child starts to understand that gender is independent of external features. This stage is usually reached by the age of 7 years. An alternative view, gender schema theory, suggests that children play a more active role in their own gender development from an earlier age. In cognitive psychology, a schema is a cognitive structure used to organize information bout a particular type of object, person or situation. People make sense of new information by matching it to the schemas they have produced from past experience. Gender schema theory suggests that a childs gender development reflects the increasing complexity of the schemas it develops around maleness and femaleness. By about the age of two the child is able to label himself and others as female or male. This reflects the development of a basic gender schema. The child then starts to seek out information from its environment in order to increase its understanding f maleness and femaleness and thereby to guide its own behavior. The child identifies activities and objects associated with its own gender and start to ignore or reject those that do not fit in with this. At this early stage their understanding of gender is simplistic and quite rigid and this is reflected in their behavior. As their gender schemas increase in complexity, however, the child becomes better at coping with ambiguity and their ideas about what is acceptable or appropriate start to relax somewhat.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Chozam - utilizing transportation software Essay
Chozam - utilizing transportation software - Essay Example TMWSuite is a highly configurable enterprise transportation management solution that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help trucking companies operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: Manages end-to-end transportation processes - from order entry and dispatch through logistics management and settlement. Combines the power of a PC-based client/server system with the flexibility and familiarity of Microsoft Windows. Provides an infrastructure that links technologies, plus business processes and functions, allowing for high visibility within an organization. Reports "numbers-based" information, enabling decision makers to act on quantifiable facts and established procedures. TMWSuite's framework for logistics software was discussed in TMWSuite Brochure. It includes 3 layers: Executive Office, Asset Management and Back Office, as it is shown at Figure 1. Figure 1. Three layers of the TMWSuite's framework. (TMWSuite Brochure, 2005) TMWSuite is very efficient software solution, but it does not allow transport companies to cooperate their efforts. Nevertheless, it provides support of a full-cycle transport operations. Another product of TMW Systems, TL2000 is software that supports various types of transport operations (first group). TL2000 is a fleet management program that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help transportation companies on AS/400 platforms to operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: Provides capability to easily track loads, control equipment and practice peak asset utilization. Integrated accounting system...With TMW trucking software, its customers (trucking companies from 50 to 5,000 trucks) are improving profitability through: Depending on business needs and the transportation software, there are a number of benefits from utilizing transportation software in business environment. Following benefits are cited at the website of Chozam Inc.: Also software exists that performs both of these tasks. I would refer to this group TMW Systems that is the world's premier developer of trucking software for dispatch and transportation solutions. (TMW Systems, Inc. 2005) TMWSuite is a highly configurable enterprise transportation management solution that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help trucking companies operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: Another product of TMW Systems, TL2000 is software that supports various types of transport operations (first group). TL2000 is a fleet management program that provides an integrated suite of functions and services to help transportation companies on AS/400 platforms to operate efficiently and profitably. It performs following tasks: TL2000 is light and easy-to-use solution, but it also does not allow transport companies to cooperate their efforts.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Abuse of prescription of narcotics in primary care and its prevention Dissertation
Abuse of prescription of narcotics in primary care and its prevention - Dissertation Example Journal Issue, Pages: Journal of General Internal Medicine Vol. 21 No. 6 Pages 652-655. Year published Years data collected: Published in 2006. Purpose: To determine in community health care environments the level of satisfaction with regard to training received on current practices in the management of pain among the care providers. Methodology, Variables Design, Sample, Instruments: Qualitative study. Variables Design: Issues involving reaching optimal control of pain in patients and approaches that would assist in improving prescribing of opioids in managing chronic pain. Sample: 67 attending physicians, 19 nurse practitioners, 3 physician assistants, and 22 family practice residents, making a total of 111 participants from 178 selected. Instruments: Survey questionnaire relating to satisfaction with training and care delivery with regards to chronic pain, issues concerning chronic pain management, possibility of prescribing opioids, and estimation of the probability of psycho-soc ial co-morbidities Findings: From a wide perspective there was low satisfaction among primary care providers in satisfaction of the treatment of chronic pain. For most of the attending physicians the training received in chronic pain treatment during their medical education and residency training was insufficient. For most of the care providers the major barriers to optimal pain treatment were patient self-management, patient, psychological factors, and patient compliance. There was a low rate of willingness to prescribe opioids, with the factor of the patients selling the opioids being the main barrier. Moe frequent visits raised the likelihood of willingness to prescribe opioids. Comments, Implications, Limitations: Primary care providers hold the view that the patients are the biggest barrier to optimal chronic care in primary care settings. Implications: The findings of the study suggest that education and training of primary care providers in chronic pain treatment should have a greater focus on patient oriented approaches in the management of chronic pain, and how to deal with substance abuse and addiction. Strengths: Survey questionnaire grounded in earlier studies, with assistance from a group consisting of primary care providers, researchers, and a pain specialist. Limitation: Small sample size limits the generalization of the findings of the study. Theme – 1: Lack of education of primary care providers about pain management. Unique Identifier: Sullivan 2 Authors: Sullivan, M. D., Edlund, M. J., Zhang, L., Unutzer, J. & Wells, K. B. Title: Association Between Mental Health Disorders, Problem Drug Use, and Regular Prescription Opioid Use. Journal Issue, Pages: Archives of Internal Medicine Vol. 166 Pages 2087-2093. Year published Years data collected: Published in 2006. 1998 and 2001. Purpose: To investigate whether mental disorders enhance the risk of opioid use or whether opioid enhances the risk for mental disorders from a large cross section of the population. Methodology, Variables Design, Sample, Instruments: Cross-sectional Qualitative study. Variables: Dependent Variables – Regular prescription opioid use. Independent Variables – Mental health and problem drug use. Sample: 6439 individuals matching the inclusion criteria from the 1998 and 2001 waves of the population-base survey Health-care for Communities (HCC). Instruments: Data from the 1998 and 2001 waves of the population-base survey Health-care for Communities (HCC). Findings: Patients on regular prescription opioids had the higher risk probability by two to three times to seek mental health assistance. Continued use of opioids by patients from 1998-2001 was associated with a higher risk for common mental
Friday, January 31, 2020
A monopoly from start to finish Essay Example for Free
A monopoly from start to finish Essay During out studies this term we have learned a lot about a Monopolistic way a company is able to maneuver in the business market and I would like to refresh your mind by offering a clear definition. A Monopoly is a situation in which an entity, either an individual or an industry or organization, is the sole supplier of a particular good or service. As such, this supplier has no competition from other suppliers and is able to control the market value of the commodity. Some monopolies are government-enforced or controlled, while others form naturally or through company merger. According to our focus of this paper, we are asking about the long-run competitive equilibrium of the Wonks Company that was earning a normal rate of return and were competing in a monopolistically competitive market structure. One of the questions we must answer regarding this change in business structure is how the company’s shift to a monopoly will benefit the stakeholders involved. One of the stakeholders who may be involved is the government. Monopolies sanctioned by the government are called legal monopolies. These are considered coercive monopolies, meaning that other companies are forbidden by law to compete against them. Governments also maintain some control over monopolies through competition laws, which prevent monopolies from engaging in unscrupulous or anti-competitive practices (http://www. reference. com/motif/Society/advantages-disadvantages-of-monopolies). The second question is how a Monopoly will affect other businesses and after research it is quite obvious from the definition of a monopoly that other companies do not have to worry about competition from other companies in the same market. Consumers are affected by this change because they must either purchase the product or service from the monopoly or do without it. When a company transitions from a monopolistically competitive firm to a monopoly, there will be changes with regard to prices and output from both of these market structures. So, let’s take a closer look at how prices are affected when a firm becomes a monopoly. A common practice among some monopolies is price discrimination, in which the monopolist charges some segments of the population more than others for the same product or service, based on a higher need or a wealthier consumer base. This would usually be called price fixing which is an agreement between participants on the same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity only at a fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand. When the monopoly is able to prevent buyers from reselling their product, they may be able to price discriminate to accentuate the effects of monopoly power. In my opinion the most important group that is affected by a Monopoly are the consumers. Monopolies can impact consumer prices in two obviously different ways, they can cause prices to drop so low that it forces companies out of business or it an cause prices to skyrocket making it difficult for consumers to purchase a product, neither being a good option for the consumer. If one business is the only provider of a product or service, the consumer is forced to pay whatever the price they demand. This can also lead to the company providing a low quality product or service without fear of losing business (Home, 2009). Since monopolies are the only provider, they can set pretty much any price they choose, regardless of demand, because they know the consumer has no choice. Is this sort of thing fair to consumers? Of course not, but it is how big business is able to stay on top of the market. For example, most people find that Apple products have an outrageous price tag, but I have come to learn that the quality of their products is outstanding and I estimate that Apple will continue to rise in popularity for years to come. It has also come to my attention that because Monopolies try to monitor the price of products they may resort to price discrimination. Price discrimination is sometimes defined as the practice of a firm selling a homogeneous commodity at the same time to different purchasers at different prices . Of course, I believe it is important to understand what and how price discrimination occurs. â€Å"Price discrimination exists when two similar products which have the same marginal cost to produce are sold by a firm at different prices. This sort of practice is highly controversial in terms of its impact on both consumers and rivals†(Price Discrimination, 2006, p. 1). There are many ways to accomplish these sort of conditions because the transactions surely need not be simultaneous; indeed, there is temporal discrimination, such as between Sunday rates and week, day rates, matinee and evening prices, peak rates and off-peak rates, season and off-season prices. To sell different qualities or products with different marginal cost at the same price, or to buy different qualities or factors of different efficiency at the same price, is also discriminatory. Based on all of this useful information we must also answer the question regarding which market structure is more beneficial for Wonks to operate in and will this market structure benefit consumers? In my opinion it is based on the level of quality and service of the products and how much consumers are willing to pay for the products they want to purchase. In a monopolistic competitive market the consumer may choose to purchase a substitute product for a lower price, but only if the consumer values price over value. Of course with a monopoly there may be only a few companies offering a substitute product. If one company’s product becomes too high in price, the consumer will eventually look for another brand that offers similar use. According to economist, the monopolistic competitor’s demand curve is less elastic than a pure competitor and more elastic than a pure monopolist. Monopolistic competitors have excess capacity which means that fewer companies operating at capacity could supply the industry output. It is my opinion that Wonks might operate more beneficially as a Monopoly than at a Monopolistic Competitive firm because they will not have as much competition to deal with and they can corner the market with value and price. Resources: 1. McChesney, F. S. , Shughart II, W. F. , Haddock, D. D. (2004). ON THE INTERNAL CONTRADICTIONS OF THE LAW OF ONE PRICE. Economic Inquiry, 42(4), 706-716. doi:10. 1093/ei/cbh091 2. Mainwaring, L. L. (1977). MONOPOLY POWER, INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND PRICE DETERMINATION. Kyklos, 30(4), 674. 3. https://www. fcsknowledgecenter. com/uploads/2011_Row_Crops_Industry_Perspective. pdf 4. http://academic. udayton. edu/lawrenceulrich/Stakeholder%20Theory. pdf 5. http://www. answers. com/topic/mergers-and-acquisitions 6. http://www. helium. com/items/1405663-what-is-a-monopoly-what-do-monopolies-do-how-is-the-economy-affected-by-monopolies 7. Case, K. E. , Fair, R. C. , and Oster, S. E. (2009) Principles of Microeconomics (9th ed). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Personal Narrative - Mother Ireland :: Example Personal Narratives
Mother Ireland My family is proud to boast a long and rich history mothered by the Emerald Isle of Erin, which is Gaelic for Ireland. My family's clan was first called the O'Neills, and we inhabited the outskirts of a small village which now goes by the name of County Cork. We were minstrels, actors and musicians in the courts of our family's home for many generations. An interesting piece of recent history about my family is that we are closely related to the Kennedys on my father's side. My grandmother was one of the Davises, who in some way were related intimately to the Fitzgeralds, who were John F. Kennedy's mother's close family. And not too many people know this, but one of the young Kennedy ladies had the good fortune of marrying the famous Mr. Arnold Schwartzenagger. I wish to go even farther back, though, to the era of the Medieval Renaissance on the Isle, when my family owned their own lands and estate, and the head of our family was known as one of the first rulers of Ireland. Our family's castle and lands remain standing to this day, but are inhabited by no one for failure to pay twenty million dollars in back taxes over the past three hundred years. So now our family's castle sits as a tourist attraction on the coast of Erin, as a reminder of the rich and time-honored beauty it has brought and will always bring to the Island. Our family owes its debt of gratitude to one young man. The rule who was living in our family's castle at the time had two sons. At the time, having two sons meant that the ruler would have to entrust his lands and properties to one of them when he died. Since the ruler could not decide whom to entrust the castle to, he told them to have boat race around the shores of Roan Innish ("Isle of the Seals, a small island off the coast of Ireland). So it was determined that whoever was first to touch the shoreline on the other side of the island would inherit all of his father's wealth. Well, the race was long and hard, and the younger son grew so tired that he could not row one second longer even though he was so close to the shoreline.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Case Analysis: Ski-Right Essay
I. Background of the Case The case begins with Bob Guthrie, a retired physician and an avid skier, who realized that there was a need for a special ski helmet following the recent incidents that lead to serious head injuries for skiers. There were existing ski helmets in the market, but Bob believed that he had a chance to make helmets more appealing to the people, by adding new features. Bob took this idea as something that could not only be an outlet for his creativity, but as a way for him to make some money. He set out with the goal of making helmets that were attractive, safe and fun to wear. With this in mind, Bob came up with several ideas for his new helmet, which he named ‘Ski Right’. Bob wanted his helmets to be attractive, so they had to come in several colors and feature the latest fashion trends and designs. But aside from this, they also had to be fun and useful. To achieve this, Bob thought of putting a built in AM/FM radio and cellphone to the helmets, with controls in a pad on the skier’s leg or arm. Before proceeding to build the helmet, Bob thought of the possibilities of success and failure in his venture. He figured that there was a 20 percent chance that there will be an excellent market for his product, a 40 percent chance that the market will be good, a 30 percent chance that the market will just be average and a 10 percent chance that the market will be poor. With this in mind, he continued his plans. Bob found several companies that could help him build his helmets. Progressive Products agreed to be a partner in developing Ski Right and would share in the profits and losses. Bob also discovered Leadville Barts, who specializes in bike helmets. They could be of great help in the production of the helmets itself. Bob was also talking to Talrad TR, a radio company in Florida, who had experience in making military radios. They could assist in putting the AM/FM radios in the Ski Right. Finally, Bob was meeting up with Celestial Cellular, who could develop the cellphones. Bob Guthrie now has to take into consideration all this information in making the decision of how to make and launch his new product, with the intention of making the most money he can as possible and avoiding failure. II. Problem Statement Bob’s problem now is deciding which combination of partners would result in the best profits for his new product, Ski Right. His first option is to partner up with Progressive Products in developing the helmets. He also has the option to ask Leadville Barts to make the helmets, which will then be taken by Progressive Products for finishing. His third option is to contract Talrad TR to make the radios for the helmets, which will then be brought to Leadville Barts and Progressive Products. Bob’s fourth choice is to work with Celestial Cellular to make the cellphones which will be passed to Progressive Products for the rest of production and distribution. His final option is to forget about Progressive Products completely, contract the three other companies and hire some friends to assemble and market Ski Right. Other than choosing which of the options would be the best recommendation for Bob, the case also calls for us to compute the expected opportunity loss that Bob would have if he chose one option over another. The group also has to determine what the value of perfect information is, which represents the maximum that Bob should pay in order to get perfect information. The group will also identify if Bob was logical in his approach to setting up his business and making decisions. III. Model Development The objective of this study is to identify what would be the most profitable course of action for Mr. Bob Guthrie. Another objective is to identify the opportunity loss in this situation as well as the value of perfect information. In all of the options available to him, Mr. Guthrie calculated the possible profits or losses he would have for every possible state of the market. He also determined the probabilities of each of the states of market given. The information is shown in the table below. In order to meet the given objectives, the group will apply the method of Decision Making Under Risk due to Mr. Guthrie being aware of the probabilities of all outcomes. There is also a need to identify the possible amount of losses Mr. Guthrie may incur which means that gaining a perfect or accurate forecast would be beneficial to better clarify what is the best decision to take. V. Conclusion After applying the method of Decision Making Under Risk, based on the decision table used to sort out and categorize the information given, the group was able to analyze and interpret the results, and found out he best decision Mr. Guthrie could choose for the new product he’s about to make. After determining the EMV for each alternative, option 2 which EMV for $2,600, came out as the highest among the other EMVs. Next, the group was able to identify the possible amount of losses Mr. Guthrie may incur. After getting all the opportunity loss for each alternative, the one with the lowest value of EOL which is $14,300 is determine. The result is once again, option 2. This was made sure by getting the EVwPI and subtracting it to the maximum EMV, thus giving us the EVPI of $14,300 which is equal to the EOL we determined earlier. According to the option 2 which is getting Leadville Barts to make the helmets, and Progressive Products to finish them, LB had extensive experience in making bicycle helmets which gives Mr. Guthrie a higher chance of assurance in getting the job done right, especially that he considers the quality of the helmets to be produced. On the other hand, he’s facing a greater risk since he’s handing out to job to two different companies.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Selection of Quotes by Seretse Khama
I think that the trouble we now face in the world is caused mainly by the refusal to try and see another man’s point of view, to try and persuade by example  and the refusal to meet a rather passionate desire to impose your own will upon others, either by force or other means.Seretse Khama, first president of Botswana, from a speech given in Blantyre in July 1967. It should now be our intention to try to retrieve what we can of our past. We should write our own history books to prove that we did have a past, and that it was a past that was just as worth writing and learning about as any other. We must do this for the simple reason that a nation without a past is a lost nation, and a people without a past is a people without a soul.Seretse Khama, first president of Botswana, speech at the University of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland, 15 May 1970, as quoted in the Botswana Daily News, 19 May 1970. Botswana is a poor country and at present is unable to stand on its own feet and develop its recourses without assistance from its friends.Seretse Khama, first president of Botswana, from his first public speech as president, 6 October 1966. We are convinced that there is justification for all the races that have been brought together in this part of Africa, by the circumstances of history, to live together in peace and harmony, for they have no other home but Southern Africa. Here we will have to learn how to share aspirations and hopes as one people, united by a common belief in the unity of the human race. Here rests our past, our present, and, most importantly of all, our future.Seretse Khama, first president of Botswana, speech at the national stadium on the 10th anniversary of independence in 1976. As quoted in Thomas Tlou, Neil Parsons and Willie Hendersons Seretse Khama 1921-80, Macmillan 1995. [W]e Batswana are not desperate beggars...Seretse Khama, first president of Botswana, from his first public speech as president, 6 October 1966. [D]emocracy, like a little plant, does not grow or develop on its own. If must be nursed and nurtured if it is to grow and flourish. It must be believed in and practiced if it is to be appreciated. And it must be fought for and defended if it is to survive.Seretse Khama, first president of Botswana, speech given at the opening of the fifth session of Botswanas third National Assembly in November 1978. Lefatshe ke kereke yame. Go dira molemo tumelo yame.The world is my church. To do good my religionInscription to be found on Seretse Khamas grave.
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